Entrepreneurs Business Development Accelerator Program (E-BDAP)

Welcome to the 90 Day Entrepreneurs Business Development Accelerator Program (E-BDAP)

Your Entrepreneur Journey Starts Now

Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive initiative tailored for aspiring entrepreneurs. The 90 Day E-BDAP is crafted to equip individuals with the accelerated essential tools, knowledge, and support to launch and nurture successful businesses. Through a blend of practical modules, mentorship, and practical hand-on guidance, participants delve into the intricacies of entrepreneurship, fostering innovation, strategic planning, and effective execution.

  • Availability: Online
  • 90 Days/12 Weeks
  • agsdix-fas fa-money-bill-altInvestment: $6,000
  • Open For Enrollment

10 Reasons Why This Program is For You

Lack of Direction

Many aspiring entrepreneurs struggle with a lack of clarity and direction in their business ideas. They may have innovative concepts but struggle to translate them into actionable plans.

Limited Resources

Access to resources such as mentorship, funding, and networking opportunities can be challenging for individuals starting their entrepreneurial journey, hindering their ability to grow and scale their ventures.

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure often holds aspiring entrepreneurs back from pursuing their dreams. The risk of financial loss, reputational damage, and personal setbacks can be overwhelming and paralyzing.


Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, particularly for those who lack a support network of like-minded individuals and mentors. Isolation can lead to feelings of discouragement and stagnation.

Inadequate Skills

Despite having innovative ideas, many entrepreneurs lack the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively launch and manage a business. This includes areas such as marketing, finance, and strategic planning.

Market Competition

The competitive nature of the market can be intimidating for aspiring entrepreneurs. Navigating through established competitors and finding a unique value proposition can be daunting tasks.

Balancing Commitments

Balancing the demands of entrepreneurship with other commitments such as family, employment, or education can be overwhelming. Many aspiring entrepreneurs struggle to find the time and energy to dedicate to their ventures.

Expert Guidance

Access mentorship from seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts.

Holistic Approach

Our program offers a comprehensive blend of theory and practical application, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

Proven Track Record

Join a community of successful alumni who have transformed ideas into thriving ventures.

What You’ll Learn

Strategic business planning and execution

Innovation and Creativity in Entrepreneurship

Marketing and Branding Strategies for Success

Financial Management and Investment Essentials

Effective Networking and Partnership Building

What To Expect

Summary of Weekly Expectations for E-BDAP

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Week 1

Gain an understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneur. Identify your strengths and areas for growth, and set clear business goals.

Idea Generation and Validation

Week 2

Learn techniques for brainstorming and validating business ideas. Conduct market research and perform a SWOT analysis to understand your business concept’s viability.

Business Model Development

Week 3

Explore various business models and develop a business model canvas. Study successful business models and understand their components.

Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

Week 4

Create a detailed business plan outline and set both short-term and long-term goals. Learn about key performance indicators (KPIs) and how to measure them.

Marketing and Branding

Week 5

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy and understand the essentials of branding. Learn how to utilize social media and digital marketing effectively.

Financial Management

Week 6

Understand the basics of business finance, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning. Learn to read and interpret financial statements such as P&L, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow.

Legal Structure and Compliance

Week 7

Choose the appropriate legal structure for your business and understand the legal requirements and regulations. Learn about the importance of contracts and agreements.

Government Contracting and Certifications

Week 8

Get an introduction to government contracting opportunities and the certification process. Begin the steps for SAM registration and certification applications.

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Week 9

Develop efficient business operations and understand supply chain management and logistics.

Sales Strategies and Customer Acquisition

Week 10

Create effective sales strategies and understand customer acquisition and retention techniques. Practice sales pitches and learn how to build and manage a sales team.

Networking and Partnership Building

Week 11

Understand the importance of networking and strategies for building meaningful partnerships. Participate in networking events and role-playing exercises to build professional connections.

Launch Preparation and Execution

Week 12

Finalize your business plan and strategy, prepare for the business launch, and learn post-launch strategies for scaling your business. Complete a business launch checklist and present your business plan.

Importance of a Business Coach


According to the Small Business Administration, around 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, highlighting the importance of comprehensive support and guidance.


Research by Forbes indicates that mentorship increases the chances of business success by 83%, emphasizing the significance of our mentorship program.

A study by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor found that entrepreneurs who receive formal education or training are (3x) more likely to start a business than those who don't, underlining the value of structured programs like ours.

Program Benefits


Gain practical insights and strategies to overcome challenges.


Access a network of industry professionals and fellow entrepreneurs.


Receive ongoing support and resources beyond the program duration.


Transform your innovative ideas into sustainable business ventures.

Are you ready to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey?

Get Started Now and join us and unlock the keys to business success with the 90 Day E-BDAP

Enrollment Information

Availability: Online
Duration: 90 Days/12 Weeks

Payment Information:

Full Payment Deposit: $6,000
Split Payment: $6600 Split in 3 Monthly Payments
(3) Monthly Payments: $2,200

Prefer a more direct approach? Feel free to give us a call at +1 (888) 568-2205.
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