v-TAP Entrepreneurship Program

Welcome to the V-TAP Entrepreneurship Program

Program Overview:

The 8-week Veteran Transition Assistance Program (V-TAP) Entrepreneurship Program empowers transitioning military leaders to pursue entrepreneurship as a viable career path. Participants receive comprehensive training in business fundamentals, entrepreneurship principles, and startup strategies, along with mentorship and access to resources to help them launch and grow their own ventures. With a focus on innovation, resilience, and leadership, this program equips veterans with the tools and support needed to succeed as entrepreneurs in today’s competitive market.

  • Availability: Online - Virtual
  • 8 Weeks
  • Open For Enrollment

7 Reason Why This Program is For You


Transitioning Challenges

The struggle of transitioning from military service to civilian life, including uncertainty about career options and adapting to a different work environment.


Limited Job Opportunities

Difficulty finding suitable employment opportunities that align with their skills, experience, and interests outside of the military.


Lack of Direction

Feeling lost or lacking a clear sense of direction after leaving the structured environment of the military, especially regarding future career paths.


Entrepreneurial Uncertainty

Uncertainty about how to translate military skills and leadership experience into entrepreneurial success, including concerns about starting and managing a business.


Isolation and Support

Feeling isolated or lacking a support system during the transition process, particularly in navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship and business ownership.


Financial Concerns

Worries about financial stability and providing for themselves and their families during the transition period, especially if traditional employment opportunities are limited.


Desire for Purpose

A deep-seated desire to find purpose and fulfillment in civilian life, often driven by a strong sense of duty and a desire to continue making a meaningful impact.

Why Choose Our Program

Tailored for Veterans

Our program is specifically designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by transitioning military personnel.

Comprehensive Training

We offer in-depth training in business fundamentals, entrepreneurship principles, and startup strategies, ensuring participants have the knowledge they need to succeed.

Mentorship and Support

Participants receive mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and access to a network of resources to guide them through the entrepreneurial journey.

Focus on Innovation and Leadership

We emphasize innovation, resilience, and leadership, equipping veterans with the skills to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape.

What You’ll Learn

Business Fundamentals

Gain a solid understanding of key business concepts such as marketing, finance, operations, and strategy.

Entrepreneurship Principles

Learn how to identify opportunities, develop business ideas, and create sustainable ventures.

Startup Strategies

Acquire practical strategies for launching and growing a successful startup, from market research to product development to customer acquisition.

Know The Numbers


According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, veterans are 45% more likely to be self-employed than non-veterans.


Veteran-owned businesses employ over 5 million people and generate more than $1 trillion in revenue annually, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.


A study by Bunker Labs found that veterans are 30% more likely to launch a business than non-veterans, demonstrating their entrepreneurial spirit and drive.

Program Benefits

Accelerated Transition

Our program helps veterans transition seamlessly from military service to entrepreneurship, providing them with the skills and support they need to succeed in the civilian business world.

Networking Opportunities

Participants have access to a diverse network of fellow veterans, industry professionals, and mentors, facilitating valuable connections and collaborations.

Career Flexibility

Entrepreneurship offers veterans the flexibility to pursue their passions and create their own career path, enabling them to achieve personal and professional fulfillment.

Impactful Ventures

By launching their own ventures, veterans have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their communities and contribute to economic growth and innovation.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming an exceptional entrepreneur?

Take The Next Step Today and Enroll in Our Entreprenuership for Veterans Program.

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